Naija Love Stories

Book: Naija Love Stories Author: Ola Awonubi Editor:  Rhoda Molife Publisher: Conscious Dreams Publishing Paperback: £11.99 Kindle edition: £3.99 Review by Barbara Grant

Naija Love Stories, by award-winning short story writer Ola Awonubi, is a superb collection of light-hearted portraits about love, in its many manifestations.

Through 12 tales, Awonubi cleverly uses language and African dialects, and presents insightful observations on the everyday highs and lows of love -‘Naija’ style – both here and abroad.

The book has wide appeal with an enjoyable selection of easy to read tales which tackle mystery and superstition, generating some lovely humour, while poking fun (just a little) at Nigerian society.

From the ‘naughty and nosy’ love in The Pink House to the unrequited love of award-winning The Go Slow Journey, to unwanted love in … from Tuscany, there’s a tale for all readers to relate to, each with its own unique twist.

Awonubi’s tales captured me. She handles the complexity of that much sought after emotion we call ‘love’ with great simplicity, wit and humour.

Blending narratives across continents, local cultures and social class, these unconventional portraits challenge that traditional notion of love and how its many twists and turns can impact on our lives.

An excellent way to spend a lazy afternoon after brunch. Would I recommend this book – absolutely.

You can purchase a copy of Naija Love Stories here.